International News…
The Politicization of the International Criminal Court
A CF&P white paper documents the institutional weaknesses of the ICC, and explains how they have resulted in a body unfit to dispense justice.
Who Benefits from Ex-Im
Veronique de Rugy provides a three part analysis of Ex-Im data charting the top foreign buyers of US exports and the taxpayer subsidies they have received.
OECD Pushes Energy Tax
The OECD Observer reports a push for a massive energy tax. OECD Secretary-General Angel GurrĂa wants every government to “explain how their policy settings are consistent with a pathway to eliminate emissions from fossil fuel combustion,” meaning carbon taxes.
Tax News…
Death Tax Repeal Vote Next Week
The Death Tax Repeal Act, H.R. 1105, has been added to the calender for Thursday, April 16th. CF&P recently joined a coalition of 82 organizations in support of abolishing the death tax.
Winners and Losers in Domestic Tax Competition
ALEC’s Rich States, Poor States measures economic competitiveness of states based on numerous policy and regulator factors. A significant one is taxes. Unsurprisingly, the latest edition returns strong evidence that states with lower rates produce better results.
From the Market Center Blog…
Very Powerful Real-World Evidence for Spending Caps
Big government tax and spenders consider Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) a “problem.” Their consternation at having to return excess revenues to taxpayers is proof that spending caps work to prohibit political greed.
Why the VAT May Seem Good in Theory, But is Bad in Reality
This bad idea keeps coming back.
Restoring the Old-Fashioned Budget Virtue of…FDR and Trumam?!
Unlikely sources for lessons in fiscal responsibility.