FATCA Updates
An Act of Economic Strangulation
Richard Rahn on FATCA: “This one regulation by itself may well cause another drop in GDP during the third quarter of this year, owing to both the uncertainty it engenders and the fact that it will drive out significant amounts of foreign capital.” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/30/rahn-an-act-of-economic-strangulation/
IRS Claim for IGA Authority Doesn’t Hold Up to Scrutiny
Allison Christians of the McGill University Faculty of Law dissects Treasury’s erroneous claims for authority to enter into IGA’s to enforce FATCA. http://taxpol.blogspot.com.au/2014/07/irs-claims-statutory-authority-for.html
FATCA A Tax Nightmare for American Expats
The Wall Street Journal reports the personal stories of Americans suffering under FATCA’s draconian requirements and penalties. http://online.wsj.com/articles/kuenzi-american-expats-tax-nightmare-1404924705
Tax Competition News
Latest Assault on Tax Competition
Paris is pushing hard within the EU to to do away with tax competition. Sven Larson breaks down why this would be bad for taxpayers. http://libertybullhorn.com/2014/07/08/another-attack-on-tax-competition-2/
Governments Freaking Out Over Corporate Inversions Have Only Themselves to Blame
The Heartland Institute’s Steve Stanek takes tax happy politicians to task for their bad tax policies. Rather than blaming corporations for responding to the incentives they create, politicians should look in the mirror. http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2014/06/26/blame-government-policies-not-companies-reincorporating-abroad
From the Market Center Blog…
Obama Shouldn’t Limit Higher Education Choices
CF&P President Andrew Quinlan explains why the administration’s efforts to take down another private sector industry are bad for students and the economy. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2014/blog/big-government/obama-shouldnt-limit-higher-education-choices/
Is FATCA the Worst Part of the Internal Revenue Code?
You probably won’t be surprised by Dan Mitchell’s answer. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2014/blog/is-fatca-the-worst-part-of-the-internal-revenue-code/
Scholarly Evidence Shows That Discretionary Spending Undermines Economic Growth
The evidence is in: Too much government is bad for growth. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2014/blog/big-government/scholarly-evidence-shows-that-discretionary-spending-undermines-economic-growth/
Is the IRS Suffering from “Fewer Resources”?
Don’t be fooled by tales of woe from the IRS. The agency has more than enough funding to do its job. http://freedomandprosperity.org/2014/blog/big-government/is-the-irs-suffering-from-fewer-resources/