Whenever someone proposes that we need more intervention from the federal government, I always go to the Constitution and check Article I, Section VIII.
This is because I’m old fashioned and I actually think the Founding Fathers weren’t joking when they granted only a few enumerated powers to the federal government.
And when I check that list, I don’t see anything about steroid investigations, housing, or disaster relief. Nor do I see anything about childhood obesity.
Which is what makes this cartoon from Ken Catalino amusing. At least in a morbid way.
I would have labeled the guy “Washington” instead of “Congress,” but that’s nitpicking. The point I’m trying to make is that we have a bloated federal government that is sapping the economy’s vitality and undermining social capital.
We should be trying to rein in that behemoth, not allowing it to get involved in other areas of life.
This doesn’t mean we don’t have a problem with overweight children. It simply means that it’s absurd to think the answer will come from a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats in Washington.