Center for Freedom and Prosperity
For Immediate Release
Thursday, March 15, 2012
CF&P President Andrew Quinlan Comments on Levin-Conrad-Whitehouse Amendment to Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill
(Washington, D.C., Thursday, March 15, 2012) The Senate included a Levin-Conrad-Whitehouse amendment in the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill (S. 1813) that expands onerous powers in the Patriot Act in order to give the Treasury Department unchecked powers to extend US tax law beyond American borders.
CF&P President Andrew Quinlan offered the following statement on the amendment:
“Senator Levin has hijacked the transportation reauthorization bill in his ongoing crusade against due-process legal protections, low-tax jurisdictions, and global capital flows. His efforts to embolden the Treasury to attack jurisdictions and institutions for engaging in pro-growth policies would reduce foreign investment in the economy and destroy American jobs.
“We are still tallying the damage from his last caper – inclusion of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act in the unrelated HIRE Act of 2010 – which is currently threatening hundreds of billions in foreign investment in the US. This new amendment amounts to a doubling down on the failed approach of US fiscal imperialism as exemplified by FATCA, and his efforts to conscript the entire world into service as deputy US tax collectors will only serve to exacerbate the perception of the United States as an international bully incapable of respecting the sovereign rights of other nations.
“This amendment is poison and the transportation reauthorization bill should not be allowed out of conference with it included.”
For additional comments:
Andrew Quinlan can be reached at 202-285-0244,