I used to think this image was a damning indictment of the internal revenue code. Or here’s another chart showing how the tax system has become more convoluted over time.
But this new image may be the most effective of all of them. We don’t know what’s in the other 72,000 pages of tax code, but we’re all familiar with the basic 1040 tax form. Look at what the politicians have done to it over the past several decades.
The only answer, needless to say, is to throw the entire mess in the trash can and replace it with a simple and fair flat tax.
Here’s my brief explanation of how the flat tax would work and why it’s a good idea.
Tax reform would give us more growth, but it also would reduce one of the major source of corruption in Washington.
It’s also based on the notion that discrimination is wrong and that class-warfare policy should be rejected.
So what’s not to like?