Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation
For Immediate Release
Monday, November 5, 2010
CF&P Welcomes Members of the New Congress
Agenda Should be to Limit Government, Promote Tax Competition
and Protect Financial Privacy
(Washington, D.C., Friday, November 5, 2010) The Center for Freedom and Prosperity congratulates the newly-elected members that will serve in the 112th U.S. Congress. They will soon face the daunting task of figuring out how to halt the runaway growth of the federal government.
CF&P looks forward to working with new members who believe in promoting economic growth through limited government and free markets. We also will be working with them to defend tax competition, financial privacy and fiscal sovereignty.
There are several issues at the forefront of CF&P’s agenda for the new congress, including 1) extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for all Americans, 2) promoting the competitiveness of Americans investing overseas by working with Capitol Hill and Treasury to limit the damage of the previously passed Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, and 3) defending tax competition and financial privacy by defunding the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which gets almost a quarter of its budget from U.S. taxpayers despite promoting an anti-American agenda.
“We will constantly remind the new members why they were elected,” said CF&P President Andrew Quinlan. He continued, “They have a responsibility to limit the size of government and remove barriers to free markets and economic growth. This is a second chance for many in the new congress, so they should remember why they found themselves in the minority to begin with. If they don’t follow through with their campaign promises to limit government,” he warned, “they’ll find themselves in the political wilderness once again.”
For additional comments:
Andrew Quinlan can be reached at 202-285-0244,
Dan Mitchell can be reached at 202-218-4615,