I’ve already posted about the nut who claimed that global warming was causing AIDS, so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that a writer for the New Republic says global warming may lead to genocide.
But that may not be the silliest thing said by a left winger in the past couple of days. Hugo Chavez is blaming capitalism for heavy rains that have caused flooding in Venezuela.
So which statement is more laughable? After careful consideration, I give the excessive hyperbole prize to Timothy Snyder, the author of the New Republic article.
Yes, I despise the Venezuelan dictator, but I can understand why a thug politician would want to deflect blame for his personal incompetence and his government’s inability to deal with bad weather. Heck, even non-thug politicians look for scapegoats when their policies are failing.
Snyder, by contrast, is much more on the cutting edge of left-wing absurdity. Congrats to Tim!