Equality of outcomes versus equality of opportunities.
Successful people are moving because they don’t want governments to take too much of their money.
She openly supports a radical view.
Trump’s two new ideas violate the principles of good tax policy.
Successful taxpayers take steps to avoid the nations with the greediest governments.
The next four years will be just as bad as the past eight years.
read more...This article appeared on The Blaze.
read more...Analyzing foreign aid and its effectiveness.
read more...This article appeared on TownHall.com
read more...Today’s finalization of a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rule to impose price controls on credit cards will harm consumers.
read more...Congress to investigate the SEC and its Chair Gary Gensler.
read more...CF&P Vice President Brian Garst released a statement condemning the Biden administration’s plan to price control ten vital prescription drugs under Medicare.